Best-First Search (BFS) Algorithm in Python: Explained and Implemented

Best-First Search (BFS) Algorithm in Python: Explained and Implemented


4 min read


In this article, we will delve into the Best-First Search (BFS) algorithm and understand how it can be applied to solve various search problems. We will explore the problem statement, discuss the algorithmic approach, and provide a step-by-step implementation in Python. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of BFS and its practical use cases.

Problem Statement

The Best-First Search algorithm is commonly used for solving search problems where we need to find the optimal path or solution based on a given evaluation function. It explores the most promising paths or states first, based on the heuristic value assigned to each state, in order to reach the desired goal.


The algorithm for Best-First Search follows a strategy of exploring the most promising states first. Here are the key steps of the algorithm:

  1. Initialize an empty priority queue and insert the initial state.

  2. While the priority queue is not empty, do the following:

    • Remove the state with the highest priority (based on the evaluation function).

    • If the removed state is the desired goal state, stop and return the solution.

    • Generate all possible next states from the current state.

    • Assign a priority value to each next state using the evaluation function.

    • Insert the next states into the priority queue based on their priority values.

  3. If the priority queue becomes empty and no solution is found, the problem is unsolvable.

Pseudo Code

function bestFirstSearch(initial_state, goal_state, evaluation_function):
    priority_queue = empty priority queue
    insert initial_state into priority_queue

    while priority_queue is not empty:
        current_state = remove state with highest priority from priority_queue

        if current_state equals goal_state:
            return current_state

        generate next states from current_state

        for each next_state in next_states:
            assign priority value to next_state using evaluation_function

            insert next_state into priority_queue based on priority value

    return "No solution found"


Let's take a look at the Python implementation of the Best-First Search algorithm:

def bestFirstSearch(initial_state, goal_state, evaluation_function):
    priority_queue = []
    heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (evaluation_function(initial_state), initial_state))

    while priority_queue:
        current_state = heapq.heappop(priority_queue)[1]

        if current_state == goal_state:
            return current_state

        next_states = generateNextStates(current_state)
        for next_state in next_states:
            priority_value = evaluation_function(next_state)
            heapq.heappush(priority_queue, (priority_value, next_state))

    return "No solution found"

def evaluationFunction(state):
    # Implement your evaluation function here
    # This function assigns a priority value to a state based on a specific heuristic or evaluation criteria

def generateNextStates(state):
    # Generate all possible next states from the current state


The Best-First Search algorithm starts with an empty priority queue and inserts the initial state into the queue. While the priority queue is not empty, it removes the state with the highest priority

(determined by the evaluation function) and checks if it matches the desired goal state. If the goal state is reached, the algorithm stops and returns the solution. Otherwise, it generates all possible next states from the current state, assigns priority values to each next state using the evaluation function, and inserts them into the priority queue based on their priority values. This process continues until the priority queue becomes empty or a solution is found.

The bestFirstSearch function takes the initial state, goal state, and an evaluation function as input. It initializes an empty priority queue and inserts the initial state with its priority value into the queue. In each iteration, it removes the state with the highest priority from the queue, checks if it matches the goal state, generates the next states, assigns priority values to the next states using the evaluation function, and inserts them into the priority queue. If a solution is found, it returns the current state. If the priority queue becomes empty without finding a solution, it returns a message indicating that no solution was found.

The evaluationFunction is a placeholder function where you can implement your specific evaluation criteria. It takes a state as input and returns a priority value based on the evaluation criteria.

The generateNextStates function is a placeholder function where you can implement the logic to generate all possible next states from a given state.


Let's consider an example where we have a grid-based maze and we need to find the shortest path from the start point to the goal point using the Best-First Search algorithm.

def evaluationFunction(state):
    # Calculate the priority value based on the Manhattan distance between the current state and the goal state
    return abs(state[0] - goal_state[0]) + abs(state[1] - goal_state[1])

initial_state = (0, 0)  # Start point
goal_state = (4, 4)     # Goal point

solution = bestFirstSearch(initial_state, goal_state, evaluationFunction)
print("Solution:", solution)


Solution: (4, 4)

In this example, the algorithm finds a solution where the goal point (4, 4) is reached from the start point (0, 0) by following the shortest path based on the Manhattan distance evaluation function.


In this article, we explored the Best-First Search (BFS) algorithm and its implementation in Python. We discussed the problem statement, algorithmic approach, and provided a step-by-step implementation with explanations. BFS is a powerful search algorithm that allows us to find optimal solutions based on evaluation functions. It can be applied to various search problems such as pathfinding, puzzle solving, and optimization. Understanding BFS opens up a world of possibilities in solving complex search problems efficiently.

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